Archive for March, 2006

Thursday… transplant + 70

Another check up – and 70 days since the transplant! You may recall the mixed news that I received last week, so it was with a little trepidation that I went for the check-up today. However it turned out to be an interesting day all round, with several things becoming clearer. The anti-biotics for the […]


Well, another year older – but an excellent weekend and a Birthday to remember! My parents came down on Thursday night – the evening before the day which kicked things off to a good start, but having been out the Saturday before, I wasn’t expecting much more in the way of celebrations. However on Friday […]


Back in London again today for the weekly check up. Mixed news; the multidisciplinary meeting has had a longer look at the PET scan results, and while there is evidence of a partial response, and the hot spots in my neck and groin have gone, there is concern about the remaining hot spots, particularly the […]


I spent yesterday up in London – not a check up this time, but part of a ‘patient advocacy’ team from LeukaemiaCare visiting Portcullis House (the offices of Parliament) to meet with some MPs who have an interest in health issues. I have mentioned LeukaemiaCare in other posts (and I suppose I should do an […]


A busy weekend! Some of you may know that I have a reasonably significant Birthday looming, so we went out last night with some friends for a meal. I was under the impression that we were just going out for a meal, but we actually ended up at “The Watercress Line” ( where we dined […]

Thursday… PET scan results…

Well Thursday has come around and it was a cool morning when I set off for London! On arrival I had the usual blood tests – a bit more than an armful as extra blood was taken for the chimersism tests – the comparison between my DNA an the donor’s DNA to see how the […]

Wednesday… still got fingernails!

Not a lot to report today, except that I have written a side page about PET scans. (And it is a lovely sunny afternoon) However what prompted this post was a look back through the blog archive – I stumbled across the entry for January 31st – the day I came out of isolation! Was […]

Tuesday… my (13th) PET scan!

Yes – it really was the 13th PET scan since this all started back in 1999! Makes it over 2 a year! Nothing really to report today – it was just the scan, but part of the procedure involved fasting from 6 o’clock this morning. In practice meant from dinner time last night! (I’ll write […]


Hmmm – there is more to being a blogmaster than meets the eye! I came to check the site this morning and found that it wasn’t working – so if you tried to look, you either received a cryptic message about not finding the mysql server, or my hastily put together maintenance page! Suffice to […]


A special post, nothing to do with health, but just to note that the blog is now up and running on – and to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Mark J for setting up the original blog back in January – it seems a long time ago! For those that are interested in […]

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