
Back in London again today for the weekly check up. Mixed news; the multidisciplinary meeting has had a longer look at the PET scan results, and while there is evidence of a partial response, and the hot spots in my neck and groin have gone, there is concern about the remaining hot spots, particularly the one in front of my spine. The worry is that the lymphoma cells might be multiplying faster than the immune system can destroy them.

The current plan is that localised radiotherapy might help to hold the hot spot in check, and perhaps give the immune system a better chance. There are also some experimental treatments that might be available, although that is a longer term possibility if the radiotherapy fails. I hope I’ll get an appointment to discuss the radiotherapy treatment plan for next Wednesday.

The good news is that my blood is now 100% donor, and it looks as if there is some evidence of GvHd since I stopped the immuno-suppressants. I thought it was just folliculitis – or what I used to refer to as Acne in my teeens! In fact that, coupled with shaving weekly (my hair has started growing back) is just like adolescence!

I was a tad subdued on the way back from London – but I suppose I must remember… Onwards and (hopefully) Upwards!

6 Responses to “Thursday”

  1. Elspeth on 24 Mar 2006 at 4:51 pm #

    Keep your pecker up, and remember that the 100% donor plus GVHD has only just come into combined force (I guess). Look forward to the radiotherapy discussion and implementation. Indeed onwards and upwards!

  2. Richard on 25 Mar 2006 at 8:23 am #

    Well Peter at least you can remember your adolescence years mine are very misty and I am haunted by lost chances…….not self pity just a feeling that if I knew then what I know now I might have had a lot more fun.

    As I diver do you still say onwards and upwards? I thought that was more for explorers in the wilds of Northern India wearing a pith hat.

    Shame about the hot-spot news but let’s travel in trust and hope that the proposed treament will rid you of that too. There was a time when we would have thought that finding a hotspot would have been a good thing, as an aside I can detect a wireless access open here at home. As we are fairly rural I am a little surprised as the neighbours all say they are not using one. I will have to look more carfully as it is there each morning for a couple of hours.

    We also need news of your conservatory,as the Sun comes out it must something to look forward to.

    Onwards and ……………..


  3. Dawn on 27 Mar 2006 at 12:55 pm #

    Hi Peter

    Sorry you had mixed news – please keep positive. Still thinking of you.


  4. Richard on 27 Mar 2006 at 2:46 pm #

    4 days to go until MAX. That could be a distraction, or………… it the conservatory?

  5. Peter on 29 Mar 2006 at 10:06 am #

    Richard – feel maxed out already – might make a difference to video conferencing though with faster uplink speed.

  6. Peter on 29 Mar 2006 at 10:07 am #

    Elspeth & Dawn – Still smiling – appointment on 5th April…
