Thursday 1st August… All going well!

I had my infusion of platelets last night

and I’ve just had a visit by one of the team to say that the platelet count is now up at 100 (taken last night after the infusion). However my Hb is a bit low at at 75 (or 7.5 depending in the units) and they want to check on neutrophils just to ensure I’m not neutropenic. Meanshile I’m going to have a unit of blood to lift my haemoglobin levels.

Potent stuff, cytarabine!

My cortisol levels are a big low, but I don’t think low enough to warrant intervention. (Cortisol is one of the hormones that help regulate blood pressure).

The team did consult with a neuro-surgeon, who is quite happy there there isn’t an ongoing bleed, so it’s all good on that front. My WBC is still low and of course long term that is the thing to keep an eye on.

But all being well, I hope to be released back into the wild tomorrow!

Onwards and upwards! 🙂

And a quick update: just seen the consultant, Dr Lown. Long therm plan is to continue the Rituximab/Ibrutinib combination. All being well, I’ll be out tomorrow with a clinic on Monday.

2 Responses to “Thursday 1st August… All going well!”

  1. Angela on 02 Aug 2019 at 8:43 am #

    Lots of stuff going in! That should do the trick and get you back on your feet (!).

  2. Peter on 02 Aug 2019 at 9:19 am #

    Hi Angela,

    Certainly is! So much that I had canula failure, as I shall recount in the next post (spoiler alert! 🙂 )


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