Wednesday 31st July… Guess where?

And no prizes for guessing Hospital! My stay has been a bit longer than I expected – mainly IV fluids and some mineral supplements to correct my electrolyte balance! There is a little concern at my ongoing low blood pressure, so I have a a chest X-ray to ensure I don’t have a lung infection, and some additional blood tests to ensure that my adrenal gland function is OK. Oh yes, and there is a bit of concern about the bruising on my face so I have just had a CT scan of my head!

No results yet, but as I feel quite well, I’m getting cabin fever! (Unconfirmed diagnosis 🙂 )

Anyway, I hope to be set free tomorrow.

Onwards and upwards!

Update: just after I wrote this, I had a visit by one of the doctors.

The CT scan showed there had been a bit of bleeding at the front of my brain – it wasn’t fresh, so it probably happened on Sunday when I fell. However, my platelet count has continued to fall, down from 50 on Monday to 28 today, well below the normal 200-400 range, so I am going to have a platelet transfusion, particularly because of the (slight) risk of further bleeding on my brain. Although everything seems normal, I may have an assessment by a neuro-surgeon.

Bloods were taken a bit late for the adrenal gland test – ideally it should be first thing – so I may have another one (early) tomorrow. And I might be in for a bit longer than another 24 hours while the various tests and assessments are done! Still, WBC hasn’t gone up, so it’s still Onwards and Upwards!

2 Responses to “Wednesday 31st July… Guess where?”

  1. Angela on 31 Jul 2019 at 6:13 pm #

    Thanks for the update Peter. Seems like you are having lots of tests and being checked for everything. Very good news on the WBC though so despite the pictures (!) sounds like you are still in very good spirits!

  2. Peter on 31 Jul 2019 at 6:43 pm #

    Hi Angela,

    Yes, feeling quite cheerful! Really pleased the the WBC has come down so dramatically, just hope they stay there for a while!


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