
I can’t believe another week has gone by, however the time has flown by. Felicity went off to Uganda on Friday, and her mother completed her move into her new house on Monday. I went up to St Thomas’s for my next session of ECP on Monday, and also had a check up at the dermatology clinic.

Monday’s session of ECP was OK, apart from the last collection cycle. I am on a ‘large kit’ which means that the machine takes 3 lots of 250ml of blood for processing, but during the third cycle I felt really faint and woozy, and my blood pressure dropped! It had been low to start with, perhaps because I was a bit dehydrated. Anyway, I soon recovered and went off to the clinic.

The feeling is that I have responded well, my mobility is a bit better and so after the next session I will be going up monthly. The feeling is that the progression of the GvHd has stopped and that further treatment will keep it under control and may reverse some of the damage done – so I may get more mobility back. I can certainly stretch much further.

Tuesday’s session was uneventful, except that I was back on a small kit – six lots of 125ml blood, so it took a bit longer to process.

No news from the PET scan, so on the basis of no news is good news…

Onwards and Upwards!

2 Responses to “Wednesday”

  1. Richard on 09 Oct 2008 at 10:11 am #

    Let’s hope that Felicity doesn’t encounter the last King of Scotland……..

    Fingers still crossed for good results.


  2. Liz on 10 Oct 2008 at 9:27 pm #

    What’s Felicity doing in Uganda? Will she be away long? Hope that you’ll be feeding yourself well whilst she’s away!

    I echo Richard’s sentiments onthe results’ front.

    Lots of love,

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