
OliviaFelicity arrived home yesterday after what was a busy week! I have to say that she looked tired when I picked her up at the station, but she was certainly on a high after the week! I dropped her off at home to let her sort herself out (bath etc) while I went out for dinner with Sue and Mark (excellent evening – as usual!) and then I came home fully expecting Felicity to be spark out after her week! But no, she was still on a high and we stayed up late while she told me all about it! It certainly was an experience, running a section of one of the main restaurants with over 50 tables and 600 covers!

OliviaThis morning she was up bright and early to take Rachael to work, then we had a visit from Vicki and Olivia, and so here is what you have all been waiting for, more pictures of Olivia! As you can see, she is almost at the crawling stage, and I managed to get a photo (a little out of focus!) of her with a chuckle on her face! It was good to see them! As a celebration we went down to the local pub for Sunday Lunch!

And after the baby photos, a bit of geek stuff! I have continued exploring the capabilities of the new operating system, particularly the audio-visual stuff, and I have now got it playing DVDs quite happily, something I have never managed with the previous version. The USB support is also much improved. This was always one area where Windows seemed better, but not so much now. I can plug the camera in, a window pops up displaying the contents, with a simple option of downloading all the photographs into an optionally named directory, and deleting them from the camera, in maybe 1 steps. Perhaps the later versions of Windows can do that (XP or Vista) but then they are not free! Linux might not yet be a contender for mainstream everyday computing (it still needs a bit of understanding to get it going – certainly the free versions) but it is getting there. Interestingly, Dell now offers its computers with the choice of having Linux installed as a commercial (ie, fully supported and customised to do what I have had to do manually) variant – well worth looking into!

It is a wet and dreary day today. The lemon tree is looking healthier, although the heavy rain snapped off a new branch with a cluster of leaves on it – I think from the sheer weight of water. Still, there are lots of new shoots appearing!

One more item, more news about PatientLine here!

Nothing much to report on health wise, so on with the soggy bank holiday weekend!

Onwards and Upwards!

2 Responses to “Sunday”

  1. Neil G on 30 May 2007 at 11:15 am #

    Glad to hear you read the Linux book – way over my head – I have problems moving my emails from one pc to another!

  2. Peter on 30 May 2007 at 11:26 am #

    Bit over mine too! Latest (revived) interest is in cryptography and security of e mails.! I might do an ‘about’ page on the subject, but of practical concern is that we send stuff, often about readily identifiable people, to LC oblivious rto the fact that it is completley readable by anyone.

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