Saturday… The sun shines!

I’m afraid I haven’t been in the right frame of mind for blogging in the last month or so. The background activities to the divorce have kept me busy too – I am amazed by the mountain of paperwork that it generates. The bad weather doesn’t do much to lift the spirits either.

BUT – today the sun is shining, a court hearing on Tuesday went fairly well, and not as daunting as I feared, and there are a few things to report!

After my Birthday weekend, things settled down a bit, but the highlight of April was a week of diving down on the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall. The weather wasn’t particularly kind to us (I was with my diving club) in that there were gales which gave a high sea state, but in the five days we were there, I did six dives. These were the first real and prolonged ocean dives I have done for nearly seven years, (discounting a 2 minute dive last year when my suit leaked) so it was quite an achievement. I was a little apprehensive, but once in the water I settled down and really enjoyed it. The training and practice sessions I had done in sheltered water had helped immensely, but it was great to be in the sea again. Another step in getting my life back.

Health wise, little seems to have changed. I had a clinic last week for one of the side effects of GvHd, but that has stabilised and I was discharged from it. The next major check up at the haematology department is next Wednesday, so another trip up to London and out to King’s College Hospital. The only caiuse for concern is my eyesight and the cataract problem. My next visit to St Thomas’s is approaching, and I think the time has come to ask about getting this sorted before it gets any worse.

The house is gradually getting into shape. My parents visited last weekend whichs good, and today I have been cutting the grass (I bought a lawn mower three weeks ago) and pricking out some germinating seeds, and setting some runner beans to germinate. I am fairly sure where I am going to put the beans, but I need to cut out some lawn (less to mow!) to make a bed for them.

So all things considered, not too bad, and justifying “Onwards and Upwards”!

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