Archive for June, 2007

Tuesday… That was the (wet) weekend that was!

However, although we did have some torrential rain over the weekend (and a couple of short duration powercuts on Friday (one long enough to cause the web server to shut down)) we don’t seem to have had the problems that have beset West and South Yorkshire. At least the sun is shining this morning, but […]

Thursday…Home Alone

Another week nearly gone, and I have survived being home alone! It actually ends on Saturday, but I am over halfway! Sadly I haven’t been able to survive on a diet of bacon sarnies – my mouth seems to have been worse this week, and eating has not been a pleasure! Breakfast has been limited […]

Monday… Wet, sunny, wet, sunny…

I think you get the picture, and it has been like that most of the weekend! However it was a good one – out for lunch on Saturday with Mark, (fellow blogmaster), Gabor (podcaster) and Mike (the fourth member of the gang) for Mike’s Birthday. I have discovered that as long as I drink beer […]

Friday… after Guy’s

It was another trip up to Guy’s yesterday for the routine check-up, and it was just that – routine! Not quite as much blood taken as normal (only half an armful) and nothing unexpected in the results. Haemoglobin hovering around 11.5, creatanine still slightly up, but not much different from last time, similarly with liver […]


Not much to report on domestically – we did some work in the garden on Saturday and Sunday morning (I say we – mine was very light work! 0 and enjoyed it on Sunday afternoon when the sun shone! Olivia came over on Saturday (with Vicki!) but she was a bit tired and fractious so […]

Friday…more food items!

I had a good couple of days back down in Plymouth – it was good to return, although the reason was work related, but even the meeting went well, and I left on time to get back home in the early evening. As travel goes, it wasn’t that glamorous, but it is another small step […]

Tuesday… Sunny but blustery

The pictures of the garden looked so nice, I thought I would post another one! In fact there were a number and this spurred me on to add some more photographs to the gallery (which you can also get to from the top of the page). I have loosely categorised the topics and added some, […]

Sunday… a week later

And where has the week gone? Good question, answers on a post card please (or a comment!). I did have the Monday and Tuesday off, and spent the days pottering doing minor jobs round the house and a bit of light gardening – including cutting the grass. Then it was back to work for the […]