Thursday…Home Alone

Another week nearly gone, and I have survived being home alone! It actually ends on Saturday, but I am over halfway! Sadly I haven’t been able to survive on a diet of bacon sarnies – my mouth seems to have been worse this week, and eating has not been a pleasure! Breakfast has been limited to porridge (nice and soft) and my scandishake intake has been pretty high (in fact I have had to order some more). Evening meals have been OK (lots left in the freezer from last time) but eating them has been tricky. However I am applying the ointments (although I cannot use one because of the vaccination program) so I hope the situation will improve soon – particularly for next week when I would like to take part in the Leukaemiacare training programme again!

In the last post I mentioned that I was migrating PatientCrime to a message board format, but had some issues with password notification. This has been an interesting challenge, but eventually came down to the configuration of a program called sendmail. Sendmail is a Message Transfer Agent, a low level program that moves e mail from one machine to another. It is widely used on the internet and has been around for some years. However the advent of SPAM means that it has to be very carefully used, and I needed to configure it to send system generated mail to my ISP for them to forward to the end user. (Anti-spam precautions really preclude me from sending e mail out directly – few ISPs would accept it) Anyway, it has taken a while, but I think I have finally cracked it and did some final testing last night and today, so I think I will migrate PaytientLine this weekend. (The issue with system generated mail is different from that generated using clients such as Outlook or Thunderbird). There was (to get really tekkie) a problem with DNS lookups, which I never fully solved, but found a workaround instead!

Oh yes – and today is of course midsummer’s day, and the longest day! But as I pointed out last December (what a long time ago that seems) it is not necessarily the latest sunset or the earliest sunrise! (I can post more if you wish!!)

Other than that, all seems to be OK, so…

Onwards and Upwards!

4 Responses to “Thursday…Home Alone”

  1. Richard on 22 Jun 2007 at 7:21 am #

    Good luck Peter.
    Mid-Summer Day will depend on your view, for some it is the day after the longest day (bonfires dancing round etc) or June 24, observed in many Christian churches in commemoration of the birth of Saint John the Baptist.
    Then again there are the farming (and financial) quarter days. In the financial year, any of the four dates on which such payments as ground rents become due: in England 25 March (Lady Day), 24 June (Midsummer Day), 29 September (Michaelmas), and 25 December (Christmas Day)
    So you takes your pick………if you want your money (farm rent) you’ll have to use the 24th though.

  2. Liz on 25 Jun 2007 at 11:03 am #

    Hope that Felicity enjoyed Royal Ascot – will it be onto Henley Royal Regatta next?!

    Hope that the various ointments are beginning to work for you and that the soreness in your mouth goes away soon.

    Lots of love,

  3. Peter on 25 Jun 2007 at 11:45 am #

    Richard – thank you for that – didn’t know you were a rent boy!

    Liz – it is variavble – good days and bad days! Part of the problem is the lack of saliva, which gets more of a problem as the day progresses. However I did manage some bacon at the week-end!

  4. Elspeth on 25 Jun 2007 at 11:30 pm #

    Sorry that the mouth prob is so persistently awful, but suppose that it isthe cost of the remission. Wish I could ‘give you saliva’ as (chemo 4 today) and my salivary glands go mad with a mouthful of food, and it is painful – but short term admittedly!
    Am sure that Felicity would enjoy days of complete switch-off.
    Love to both and hugs, Elspeth

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