Thursday… another great week!

bootAnd all too soon the week comes to an end, as we have to be back home for an event for Katie tomorrow evening. However we have had another very enjoyable week out here. I have to say that it is lovely being able to come out at different seasons and see different facets of the French countryside. Last time we were here, the apple crop had just finished – now we see that lots of the apple trees have been grubbed up and replanted with new ones.
Mark and ChainsawThe week has been different too. The weather has been mild, but not really sightseeing weather – too cold to sit at a pavement cafe and watch the world go by, and anyway, at this time of the year there isn’t a lot of world to watch, so it has been a working week – particularly by Mark and Sue. We made a trip to the Brico Depot (B&Q) in Perigeax for a few things. It was a good job that we had hired an estate car, as you can see!Fuel
The woodburner has been terrific, and the house has been really toasty – but it does need a supply of fuel, and Mark has put his chainsaw to good use, cutting up some of the old roofing beams (from when the house roof was replaced) for firewood.
My task during this activity was to drive the smaller garden tractor with a trailer round the garden, picking up hedge clippings, firewood or whatever, and taking it to wherever it had to go. This picture shows the trailer with a load of firewood destined for the woodstore.
FuelMeanwhile Felicity did some work in the pond, clearing out some of the pond weed and dead leaves from it. The water is surprisingly clear, and we discovered that the goldfish are still alive (and there are four, not two) and found some baby newts and dragonfly nymphs as well as the collection of frogs and toads.
So another contrasting week – but as always, the peace and tranquility when you stop and take stock remains almost overwhelming. Thanks again for an excellent time Sue and Mark!

While we have been relaxing in France, Simon has not had quite such a good time with an emergency admission to hospital on Sunday, following a strange kidney pain. Fortunately a scan showed nothing abnormal, so it appears to be ‘one of those things’ and he is now back at home, and from the tone of his texts, (and his comment on my last post) is in good spirits!

So Onwards and Upwards!

5 Responses to “Thursday… another great week!”

  1. Richard on 28 Feb 2008 at 8:23 pm #

    Ahh the tranquil countryside, the purr of the chainsaw……..the aroma of two stroke oil (better if Castrol R) and newtish behaviour after Pimm’s and red wine. Not enough Sun for the F30.

    Good luck Simon not enough fluids…………….

    Good luck to all………


  2. Simon (BT) on 03 Mar 2008 at 6:33 pm #

    Mon dieu – home deja. Glad you had a great time. Nothing like a visit to Brico Depot or a Monsieur Bricolage to boost the spirits.

    kidney pain a total mystery – it’s them damn drugs is wot I say. I’m going with Richard’s diagnosis and will be upping the fluids!!!!
    O and U to all

  3. Peter on 03 Mar 2008 at 10:20 pm #

    Absolument! And there are so many different fluids to keep topped up with… warm apple juice with a generous measure of Winter Pimms, young Stella, and so many more, although I wouldn’t recommend Richards favourite F30!

    Joking apart, you probably don’t feel like too much alcohol, but bearing in mind that your kidneys are the primary route for getting rid of those somewhat toxic drugs, keepingthem flushed through with water is a good (but soooo boring) plan!

    But – O & U!!

  4. Richard on 04 Mar 2008 at 7:09 am #

    Good to ‘see’ you Simon mind your liver too nearly all drugs are toxic as are our favourite tipples (not the car)


  5. Simon (BT) on 04 Mar 2008 at 11:55 am #

    i know it’s a bummer that all we like is toxic – hey ho.

    just had another Reiki ‘sesh’ always good to get my ‘supportive therapies’ and the jolly ole NHS fund it for me locally – how about that?
    Penultimate chemo tomorrow – feel a bit anxious that my routine and ‘secuity blanket’ is about to shift STILL

    have the Odyssey cancer patient outward bound thingy to look forward to, and a weekend in a spa hotel (funded by my fab sister and brother-in-law (it’s her 60th birthday bash to be honest) both in April and Portugal in June – can’t wait.
    O and U

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