Monday… downtime

Sorry about the blog downtime today, caused by a power cut while some work was being done on the power distribution cables down the road. I have been at work all day, otherwise I might have fired up the generator, but since we didn’t need power for anything else (the freezers stay cold enough for the five hours it was off) it didn’t seem worth it. All is now back up an running,

Last week was mixed, following on from the sad news about John (incidentally, there is a very moving entry by his ‘little sis’, Ruth, describing Johns last few days) we went to the memorial service of another friend who had died from an agressive form of prostate cancer.

However we took some advantage of the lovely weather at the weekend to attack the garden. Well, I say we, Felicity did the majority of it, helped by Katie, home from university to do some revision. I did a little bit at the end of the weekend having spent most of the time working on the coursework for my PGCert. It was very galling to be indoors with the sun out – reminiscent of revising for exams in a hot May when I was an undergraduate!

And bizarrely I seem to have developed hay fever – something I have never suffered from before – so I don’t know if that is something I have acquired from my donor! A minor problem in the grand scheme of things though.

I seem to have a rash of hospital appointments in the next two weeks. I had managed to get two of them to coincide, but I had a call from haematology saying that they had to move one of them. So this Thursday I am off for a bone density scan, and I hope I’ll be meeting Simon (up to London for a meeting) afterwards. Next week it is the turn of the dermatologists, when I have to make a decision about the ECP, and in June, my next haematology check up! Just to add to the fun, I shall be home alone over the weekend while Felicity is working at The Chelsea Flower Show.

So Onwards and Upwards! (although my thoughts remain with John’s family at what must be a sad and difficult time)

4 Responses to “Monday… downtime”

  1. Liz on 12 May 2008 at 8:21 pm #

    David has every sympathy for you with the old hayfever – he suddenly developed it the year we left Germany. A tip from him is to try rubbing some vaseline just on the inside of your nostrils!

    Take care and good luck with your round of medical appointments. As ever, we’ll be saying our prayers and keeping what we can, crossed!

    Lots of love,

  2. Richard on 13 May 2008 at 7:38 am #

    Vaseline, there’s a thought, much cheaper than using the special balm marketed for the purpose and later in the Summer you can use it to lubricate your wood screws as DIY comes back onto the agenda.

    Apparently it is beech pollen causing all the problems at the moment so there may be worse to come. 🙁

    As always


  3. Stephen Benson on 13 May 2008 at 8:02 pm #

    If you have itchy eyes you might try bathing them in Johnson’s Baby Shampoo – yes it does work!

  4. Peter on 13 May 2008 at 10:39 pm #

    Neat? Diluted? (The Shampoo that is – not the vaseline!)

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