Archive for the 'Forging a New Life' Category

Thursday… Good news!

Yesterday saw me getting the train up to Kings College Hospital for my four monthly haematology check up. This was the second time I have been to Kings since the Bone Marrow Transplant unit co-located there. There was a little more organisation, although blood samples (a regular armful!) are taken elsewhere in the hospital first. […]

Saturday… The sun shines!

I’m afraid I haven’t been in the right frame of mind for blogging in the last month or so. The background activities to the divorce have kept me busy too – I am amazed by the mountain of paperwork that it generates. The bad weather doesn’t do much to lift the spirits either. BUT – […]

Friday… Birthdays come – and birthdays go!

It was indeed my Birthday last week, and I spent the weekend with my parents. Very relaxing and a welcome break from the paperwork and stress of the divorce settlement. It was lovely to be joined by youngest daughter Rachael too – with a bit of retail therapy for her on Sunday, before I drove […]

Tuesday… Mid March!!!

Oh dear, I hadn’t realised just how quickly time has passed and just how long it has been since I last wrote here! And this post is partly prompted by an e-mail from my Honorary Aunt, Eileen, in New Zealand! (Note to self – must come out there for a visit!) I have had a […]

Friday… I see (but not as well as I might)

I mentioned recently that I had another check-up, this time at the eye clinic at St Thomas’s. This happened on Monday, although I almost missed it because I was convinced that it was scheduled for Wednesday. As it happened, I was planning to go into Portsmouth by train, so when I got the reminder, (15 […]

Wednesday… Of cabbages and King’s (College Hospital)

I had almost forgotten the original purpose of the blog, with all the recent activity, but this month sees two important anniversaries. The first is six years since my bone marrow transplant (BMT) and the second is the fifth anniversary since my relapse and the long shot of the donor lymphocyte infusion that has kept […]

Saturday… A new year and a new house!

Happy New Year to all my reader(s!) It has been over a month since I last posted, and a very busy month it has been too! I left the last post frantically sorting out stuff and packing boxes, while trying to arrange the completion and move into my new home. At one point I was […]

Monday… “Head on fire”

No, not with a hangover, just at the prospect that is all that is left to do! Moving out date is next week, but I am still busy sorting out the stuff accumulated over 20 years. Lots of emotion there too, having extended and modified the house into what we wanted, there are more emotional […]

Sunday… moving on

Things move on! Just after writing my last post, I had pretty much decided that I was going to rent a house for six months, and even got as far as paying the (non-returnable) administration fee to a letting agency to take up a tenancy. However, I still wasn’t sold on the idea, and two […]

Thursday… statistics, statistics…

It has been a long time since I last posted on here, and I suppose now is as good a time to explain as any. It is a fact that couples that have been through some trauma are statistically more likely to separate after the event. The trauma either pulls people together, or exposes weaknesses […]

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