Saturday… Two steps forward…one back

There are some significant changes in my life happening soon, including a job change, but as part of the completion of my current occupation, I needed a medical examination! Actually a formal review of my medical history over the last few years. However, while I was doing that, I applied to retake my diving medical – you may recall that I tried that over a year ago, and failed it, which was a bit disappointing. However, I am delighted to say that I passed it this time, with quite a good result in the fitness test – the main thing I failed last time. (If anyone is interested, it is the Harvard Step Test) so another little psychological boost. However it isn’t all good news as the Doctor is reluctant to pass me as fit to dive because of all the treatment, but my notes are being passed to a diving medicine specialist for examination.

Other than that, this week was an ECP week, so I had my two days at St Thomas’s. I have also had a bit of a sniffle, so I dutifully took myself to the haemotology department at Guy’s for another NPA, and came away with some anti-biotics “Just in case”. It seems to be clearing up, but whether that is spontaneous or the result of the anti-biotics, I don’t know. maybe the results of the NPA will show something.

Olivia came over on Friday – quite a toddler, and very determined! If she wants to show you something, it’s a firm grip on your finger, and off you go. I must take some more photos of her!

So a good week overall, and another step Onwards and Upwards!

One Response to “Saturday… Two steps forward…one back”

  1. Richard on 21 Aug 2008 at 7:31 am #

    Peter I didn’t know that things were so tough……..getting approval from the NPA (National Pawnbrokers Association) sounds like a stiff test to pass and NO you cannot pawn Olivia 🙂

    Good luck I remember doing the step test at a doctors in Canterbury and due to a strange set of circumstances they used a dining chair instead of a gym bench. How could they call that a step?


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