Thursday 3rd January – same old, same old!

It’s a bright morning here in London, and I noticed that while the decor may have changed, hospital routines have not! I have taken some photos of the view from my window


Not the best view, the new cancer centre is on the left (I have now found a way to compress the files)

So with 2 litres of IV saline going in, I have re-discovered my skills at pole dancing with the IV stand every time I need to move more than 4 feet away, and the early morning wake up just as you finally get into deep sleep!

While the food has improved, it still doesn’t run to a cooked breakfast!!

Overall I feel fine though, routines this morning included an ECG, regular OBS, bloods and a chat with the ward pharmacist.

I’m still not clear about when I will be discharged – if I need more fluids I may be in for another night, but that will depend on the blood results.

Clothing might be a problem, but I hope my daughter can pop to the shops if required!

So all well and… Onwards and Upwards!

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