Tuesday… Fang Farrier beckons!

It was another good weekend, starting off with a chilli evening with Sue and Mark, and having a little play with Mark’s Ipad! Saturday was a bit of a DIY day, starting to put up some shelves for Katie, who having finished her finals is moving back home and starting a job in Basingstoke next week. It was also Katy’s birthday yesterday, but we celebrated it on Sunday with a beach hut party on the sands at Bournemouth. A bit breezy, but very sunny, as my sunburned knees showed when I got back to Corsham! Strange weather too – bright sunshine one moment, and torrential rain the next, and clearly an area of high pressure as French radio station burst through loud an clear at one point on the journey!

My contract ends in just over two weeks, and while there is the possibility of an extension, it isn’t certain, I hope I’ll know by the end of the week.

My tooth is starting to be troublesome, in that the edges are rough, but I have found a Dental Access Clinic in Chippenham, for those that either need emergency treatment or don’t have a dentist, so I hope they will fix the problem, and spur me into getting a more permanent arrangement.

But that apart, all seems to be well, so…Onwards and Upwards!

4 Responses to “Tuesday… Fang Farrier beckons!”

  1. Gillian on 18 Jun 2010 at 7:36 pm #

    Hope the tooth is no longer troublesome….. failing that, partake of some numbing juice – I find Pimms is most excellent at drowning out the constand hum of the world cup events πŸ™‚


  2. Richard on 18 Jun 2010 at 11:38 pm #

    But for a tooth Clove Oil is much better although less fun

    Bit like supporting England in the World Cup

    not long back from A&E as Vivienne came back from Australia with an eye ulcer and the consultants at Cairns and Brisbane said to to Moorfields.

    After a visit to the GP to get a referral she developed D&V and was fainting.

    We were advised to give the eye priority so set off for the unit set with buckets and bowls. After a short wait she was seen only 20 minutes after her appointment but her condition so alarmed the doctor she was sent to A&E in a wheelchair. Quite quick service and she was give a hosepipe sized needle into her bottom and now is asleep so hopefully the rest will help the healing process. Tomorrow may tell.

    Also tomorrow is the village FΓͺte and in the evening I am part of the Watch in the Pilgrims Progress so another quite day.

    All is good on balance so Good Night.


  3. Peter on 19 Jun 2010 at 11:26 am #


    Sorry to hear about Viviennes’s woes – my optician threatened me with the prospect of an eye ulcer if I didn’r get something sorted. It all seems a bit better now, although my prescription has changed – which may or may not be permanent – doesn’t alter the cost of the glasses though!

    Gillian – if the weather stays as it it is this weekend, I think a Pimms or two may consumed! πŸ™‚

  4. Gillian on 19 Jun 2010 at 7:42 pm #

    My gosh!! I have had such a boring time in comparison – but I am not complaining!!

    All I did was go shopping (yes folks, again!) for holiday stuff – you can never have too much stuff in my opinion. Not v. succesful as got distracted by potential purchases for fathers day (very over-rated in my opinion πŸ˜‰ )

    Anyways, now having a restorative glass a wine, Pimms possibly tomorrow I think

    and a happy fathers day to you both!!



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