
Whew – busy week, so sorry I haven’t posted here for a few days.

It all started on Monday when Felicity had a call to go to her parents, which she did that day, leaving me as nominal Commander-in-Chief – Home Command responsible for middle and youngest daughter! Not too much of a problem for Monday, I just convened the ironing board to ensure that school clothes were ready, and brushed up on the cooking skills for that night’s dinner.

Felicity returned home on Tuesday to find that the house hadn’t burnt down and the children hadn’t suffered food poisoning! That evening was spent at the regional final of the “Young Business Enterprise” scheme where youngest daugher was in the qulifying school team. They gave a very creditable performance, and won an award, although they didn’t get selected to go through to the next stage.

All seemed quiet on Wenesday until middle daughter discovered that her phone, purse and key ring had been stolen from work. No money, but her purse contained her driving licence with address, and the key ring had her car keys and a house key on it, so she will have to have the locks on her car changed, while I try and find a replacement front door lock, which looks as if it will be just under £100! Ouch! But until it is done we can’t really leave the house unoccupied!

However on the health side, although my skin is still dry and flaky, my hands have pretty much healed up, and my feet are less painful! I am still getting a little swelling on one ankle, which is a it worrying, but otherwise I feel fine! If there is anything seriously amiss, I’m sure the PET scan tomorrow will find it!

Onwards and upwards (or at least – out to the locksmiths!) Just a final thought – does all this ironing mean that I don’t need to take iron tablets… 🙂

3 Responses to “Thursday”

  1. Richard Bushrod on 18 May 2006 at 2:07 pm #

    YE Peter. Good scheme but too time consuming for many AS students and they have made the exam more demanding too.

    I am an advisor to the scheme and last year went to dinner to see the local winner do her presentation at the Institute of Directors in The Strand. Nice building and good food. Not quite as much liquid served as at The Tower but probably a good job too.

    I suspect that you need to take more Fe as ironing tends to use up resources but may help bones due to the stress.

  2. Peter on 18 May 2006 at 2:47 pm #

    She is doing GCSE’s next year – she is only year 10!

  3. Richard Bushrod on 18 May 2006 at 7:26 pm #

    Round here there are some primary (not prep) schools that join in but gernerally it is Lower 6th (for those of us of a certain age) which is good for their maturity and ability to actually run a business but is not so good for the studies.

    Good luck anyway and well done her.

    I have just realised that due to injury I am not training so for me it is onwards and outwards.
