Monday… t+18

Having got over the initial disappointement that this is another Monday here, when I expected to be at home, I feel remarkably good Outside looks grey, but the wind has changed direction from last week – judging by the standard flying on Southark Cathedral.

Last night’s sleep was again fitful, but less disturbed than the night before. My fluid balance is looking good, the achy feelings have gone, my weight is pretty near that on admission, and, best of all, I feel good!

I have faced up to the cooked breakfast (or elements of it) and won, and the ward round has just concluded. The upshot is that there is still a little concern at getting the Cyclosporin levels stabilised and in my kidney function, so I will be having an IV Cyclosporin dose this morning. However the antibiotics have stopped, which should help settle my gut. This means that gut uptake from the oral tablets should get more predictable. So perhaps by the end of the week…

Talking of gut, I have been introduced to the ‘Bristol Stool Chart’? (Few aspects of hospital life will go undocumented) To avoid doubt, we are not talking about stools of the three-legged or bar variety. Apart from the fact that I have to record frequency, colour, and description, I shall draw the subject to a close – I have probably already given far too much information!

Having read back over the weekend (and thank you for the comments) I probably was a little ‘down’ but today is another day! Onwards and upwards!

2 Responses to “Monday… t+18”

  1. Neil G on 06 Feb 2006 at 1:18 pm #


    I think the Stool chart was TMI – next you’l be telling us you were also give a water colour set!!!!!!!!

    Sorry the food hasn’t improved need to go on a TTT course again the the cooked breakfast.

    Chin up – I’m sure the worst is over

  2. Peter on 06 Feb 2006 at 2:34 pm #

    Got to tell it as it is!
