Wednesday… back from the fang farrier

Well strictly speaking, the oral surgery department. The good news is that saliva production is better than last year, so there has been some recovery of the salivary glands that were affected by the radiotherapy (over three years ago!) – whether or not there will be any further recovery is hard to say, but the problem isn’t nearly as bad as it was. I came away with a prescription for a high fluoride toothpaste (there is a risk of tooth demineralisation with a dry mouth) and some Saliva stimulating tablets (they taste a bit like citric aid drops, but contain other minerals to prevent enamel erosion). However I was given the go ahead to eat lemons – provided they are diluted with tonic water (and gin!) 🙂

So that was the day – this evening I had been planning to go down to the dive club for the first time in some months. As my strength has improved, my thoughts are turning once again to the underwater world, although there may still be a few hurdles to overcome before I get there. Still, it will be another significant step in ‘Getting my life back’. As it was, we ate rather later than planned, so I have postponed the visit to next week.

One other thing – the computer threw a hissy fit sometime today, which is why the blog was unavailable. It all seems OK now – it had been running for about 90 days non-stop, so perhaps it just needed a rest!

Still, Onwards and Upwards!

2 Responses to “Wednesday… back from the fang farrier”

  1. Richard on 30 Apr 2009 at 5:13 pm #

    Good news on the health front but the poor ol’ computer probably doesn’t like the sound of working underwater.

  2. Peter on 30 Apr 2009 at 5:19 pm #

    Funnily enough, I have considered adding water-cooling to it as it is prone to overheating!

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