Friday 1st February … A slight set back!

I was hoping to have started the Ibrutinib yesterday, but when I rang the pharmacy I was told that the prescription hadn’t been written and there was a delay “with the form”. This was slightly worrying because I was getting to the end of the steroids and I needed new supplies!

However a quick call to the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Amy) established that there had been an error in the application form (this is a learning curve all round I think!) but it had been resubmitted, and a prescription for the steroids had been raised for collection today.

So quick trip to pick up a reduced does of steroids and the pharmacy say the Ibrutinib will be here on Monday.

So slightly frustrating because I really want to get started on this, but there is nothing I can do to influence the course of events, so I just have to be a patient patient and enjoy the weekend! There are still huge positives, the steroids have helped, and while they have been hugely beneficial, there are long term implications, so it’s good that it is being reduced!

I suppose I’m keen to start because there is also a small risk that I might not respond well, and I’d like the reassurance that I will, but again nothing I can do about it! At least I will know as I expect to see the lump shrink, just as I have with the steroids! Nothing like a bit of re-inforcing positive feedback.

So I think a relaxing weekend and fingers crossed for Monday when we will continue…

Onwards and Upwards!

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