Tuesday… Power to The People!

If any of you tried to look at the blog last night, you will have received an error message as the server was down for about 4 hours from 7pm.. In fact we had a power cut, just as we were about to go out for the evening. We do get brief interruptions to our electricity supply, usually caused by a sensitive main circuit breaker in the house, and we initiallyGeneratorthought that was the case yesterday – by the time we realised it was a local outage, the batteries on the Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) that feed the server were running low and I had no option but to shut it down before firing up the generator – yes, the one I bought last year for just this eventuality!

Anyway, it started easily and operated the lights, central heating, as I wished, but because we were going out and leaving Rachael on her own, I didn’t want to risk loading it up more than I needed to, just in case something caused the generator breaker to trip, so the webserver remained off until we arrived home 3 hours later, when mains power was again available.

But it all performed exactly as I had planned, and as it had on test, so I was very pleased!

Incidentally, I notice from the statistics that I have made 100 posts in the “Getting my Life Back” category!

Onwards and upwards!

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