Archive for September, 2007

Sunday… after the dinner!

It was a very good evening with eleven people from my year, some friends from other years and some of my old teachers – one I hadn’t seen since leaving school. The photograph shows me at the dinner with Paul on my right and Jack on my left. There are some other photographs that will […]

Saturday… a week on!

Sorry I haven’t posted during the last week, however internet access has been patchy (although I have checked for comments) and the course has been VERY intensive, stating at about 8:30 and not ending much before 6pm each day, with revision and reading in the evening. However it has been very interesting. The second week […]

Friday… The day after…

…another vist to Guy’s! This time the main purpose was for a follow up to the oral clinic, but before that I popped into the haematolgy department to discuss the DVT issue. No much to report there except that the recommendation would be to stay on the injections of heparin (moving to a lower dose […]

Monday… Some good news (and some not so good news – but don’t worry!)

A mixed sort of day news wise! I didn’t mention it at the time but about 8 days as I was sitting at my desk at home, I noticed a pain in my calf, just behind my knee. I didn’t think much about it and put it down to sitting with my leg crossed over […]

Tuesday… Happy 21st..

PET scan! I was somewhat surprised to get a text message in a meeting yesterday to say that St Thomas’s had phoned to see if I was available for a PET scan today at 1:40pm. I knew that one had been ordered (as I said in the post after the last visit) but I was […]

Monday… Back to College (for some!)

Just a quick post to mark the end of the school holidays for youngest daughter, Rachael, who has an important day today. No only she is 17, and her shiny new driving licence comes into force, but she starts at 6th form college in Winchester after achieving a spectacular set of GCSE results (including an […]

Thursday… up with the Guys!

Well, up to Guy’s really, and again pretty routine, bloods followed by a chat with a consultant. My weight is up a couple of pounds since last time, haemoglobin a fraction under 12 (so that is up) and creatinin (kidney function) about the same. Other blood counts were all good so things are improving slowly […]

Tuesday… Sunshine again!

It is lovely sunny day here, but still that edge to the air heralding autumn! Time to start thinking about bringing in the bourgainvillea and the lemon tree – which is looking much healthier now than it was earlier in the year. There isn’t much to report for the last week. My mouth has responded […]