Thursday… t+24

A bit of a short post today as I have had a busy couple of days. Those of you who have been visiting regularly will have noted that the server has been unavailable for a few lengthy periods while I have been doing software updates. I am delighted that most of the work is done, and although you wont see many changes on the site, it does allow for future upgrades.

In ‘geek speak’ the main requirement was to use a later version of PHP (the scripting language that the blog uses to present the contents of the database) but to do that meant changes to the Apache webserver that serves the PHP generated pages. This meant downloading the source code and compiling it for this system, but (at last!) the site is running the latest version of Apache (2.2) and a newer version of PHP (4.4.1).

There is still a bit of tidying up to do, but the basic system is working!

2 Responses to “Thursday… t+24”

  1. Richard Bushrod on 06 Jul 2006 at 9:32 pm #

    Apparently it doeseent include a spell checker

  2. Peter on 06 Jul 2006 at 10:47 pm #

    Future enhancement!