
It’s a lovely warm sunny day today – it did start overcast, but the sun has broken through at last!

I had a good day yesterday – I ventured out for a pub lunch with Mark and enjoyed a pint which almost tasted like a pint should! However I felt a little off colour this morning, some of the minor sysmptoms of the GvHd that I had before, itchiness, runny nose etc, so whether that is a resulkt of my body adjusting to the stopping of the steroids I’m not sure. Maybe it’s hay fever that I have acquired from the donor!

However I am feeling better as the day goes on, so time to stop sitting in front of the server and go and enjoy the sun! And I’ve just heard the first cuckoo of spring!

2 Responses to “Saturday”

  1. Richard Bushrod on 23 Apr 2006 at 7:00 am #

    Shame about the symptoms. Could be a form of hay fever brought on by the hops in the beer…………….

    I heard the call of a cockoo this week too, but I thought it was you making remarks about my comments.

    Have a great St George’s Day and slay a few of your dragons.


  2. Richard Bushrod on 23 Apr 2006 at 7:07 am #

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Will
    Happy birthday to you