Wednesday… In London

As the title says, I am now in London, staying in our friend’s flat (thank you Marion!) just down from Tower Bridge. So far this morning I have been to the Day unit at Guys, with the radiotherapy at St Thomas’s starting later this afternoon. But to recap over the last few days…

It has been an interesting couple of days health wise. During the course of last week, the swelling gradually increased, and at the last visit (last Thursday) to the Haematology Clinic my Thalidomide dose was doubled to try and tweak my immune system response. By Saturday the swelling was still increasing, but there were definite signs of the GvHd appearing – dry and blotchy skin on my face. Monday night was most peculiar, the swelling was still increasing, and I woke up in the night to find the whole of my lower jaw was numb – just as if I had hbeen given a dental anaesthetic. That passed off, and the following morning my speech seemed a little clearer.

It seemed clearer again this morning, and when I finally got to the Day Unit, Linny’s comment was that “It’s about the same as last week” – which I interpret (being the eternal optimist!) that it is no worse than last week – and to me it feels slightly better!

The journey up was tedious. There had been an earlier derailment outside Waterloo, which led to some train cancellations, so my normal 90 minute journey took nearly an hour longer. Still, it was good to see Orla, Emma and Claire – the wonderful Day Unit team – this morning.

I must also mention Sarah, a patient I met this morning who is going for Matched Related Donor (MUD) transplant on November 7th. Good luck Sarah – and I’m sure all who read this will share that sentiment! (By the way Sarah, if you leave a comment, the first one doesn’t appear immediately, but subsequent ones will.)

Richard – thank you for your good wishes too!

So Onwards and Upwards (and I’ll post a bit more later after the first dose of rays!)

And I have just been for the first set of rays – to discover that they are scheduled to start tomorrow! Grrrr!

3 Responses to “Wednesday… In London”

  1. Richard on 25 Oct 2006 at 6:03 pm #

    In that case the very best of luck for tomorrow……….

    The weather looks like being better so ONWARDS and UPWARDS

  2. Gillian on 26 Oct 2006 at 8:17 am #

    As Richard says, best of luck.

    Good excuse for a facial and massage dry and blotchy skin…. but don’t use any glittery massage bars, you’ll end up looking too shiny!

    O & U


  3. Richard on 26 Oct 2006 at 9:08 am #

    Is that all over glittery Gillian? Or just Peter’s face?

    Best o’luck today Peter.

    Richard (non-glittery version)