Tuesday (Morning and Evening)

Just a quick post today to say that my hospital appointment has been brought forward by a couple of days, partly as one of the side effects of the thalidomide that – to put it delicately – affects bowel function. I’m not expecting to be admitted, but it is always a possibility if I am dehydrated so I am taking an overnight bag, but no laptop.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible – I hope in all departments!



I wasn’t admitted, but the team at Guy’s want to see me again tomorrow and on Thursday, so I am staying in the flat for two nights.

The day was uneventful, I saw Linny this morning for a quick chat, followed by an X-ray of my abdomen to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong. The the rest of the day was spent on a drip, as the (inevitable!) blood test showed that I am quite dehydrated. Tomorrow will be more of the same, and then I will see Linny again on Thursday to discuss the way ahead! (More DLI) Meanwhile I am stopping the Thalidomide until the gut problem is resolved.

I am writing this update on my PDA, so the next update will be on Thursday. Until then… O&U!

3 Responses to “Tuesday (Morning and Evening)”

  1. Richard on 14 Nov 2006 at 12:38 pm #

    I know that you may not see this until afterwards………..but everything crossed again.

    Oh yes, the berries are Goji berries:

    Some claims here; http://www.detoxyourworld.com/acatalog/goji.html but as I said in the local Julian Graves a lady with bone cancer said that eating some everyday improved her cell count.


  2. Liz on 14 Nov 2006 at 2:40 pm #

    Keeping everything crossed that they can “sort you out” and let you go home.

    Is Richard referring to “acai” with the “goji” berries? I’m pretty sure that it was the University of Florida that had done the study. If they can’t do any harm …..

    Lots of love,

  3. Richard on 14 Nov 2006 at 6:34 pm #


    Acai came up on a Google when I could not remember the name of the berries that the customer in Julian Graves had recommended. I rang the shop today and they still have no stock of Goji as demand is high…….fashion does not mean it is wrong.

    Goji look expensive but if they work…..hey and if they taste alright worth a shot. I have passed on to a neighbour whose cancer has spread to his bones as the lady claimed it was helping her. If it is USA research then it would be interesting as the Goji is Mongolian and Chinese so cannot just be a marketing rouse.

    We’ll all be thinking of you Peter until news on Thursday……….what about that Hospital prog? We could stay home and what you then.
