Friday… Plans change!

And before anyone asks, yes it was an excellent evening, spent remembering “The Immortal Memory”! And I feel very well this morning! I did leave at midnight before I turned into a pumpkin!

However just before I was due to leave for the ‘do’, I had a ‘phone call from Olivia (the Radiologist SPR) to say that they had reviewed my treatment plan and had decided to modify it. This is because I have already had a lot of radiation (as the precursor to the second autologous transplant) and as radiation damage is cumulative, they have decided to reduce the dose a bit.

So I am now having 12 treatments (instead of 20) but each one will be 2 Grays instead of 1.8 Grays, so the total dose will be reduced by a third. This should be enough to swat (lovely image – swatting!) the lymphoma while we wait for the GvHd to kick in. Best news is that the treatment schedule will probably be brought forward, so I should start next Wednesday, which means it will be finished by 9 November, so my taste buds have some chance of recovering before Christmas! The reduced dose should mean that the side effects will be less anyway.

Onwards and upwards!

3 Responses to “Friday… Plans change!”

  1. Gillian on 20 Oct 2006 at 8:16 pm #

    So does this mean you’re in the SWAT team now??

    Lovely uniform by the way (thanks for the pictures Richard!) 🙂


  2. Richard on 20 Oct 2006 at 9:38 pm #

    I think I have a cold……..all Gillian can think about is hose……..Peter keep well and all the best for Wednesday.

    (no kisses as you need to keep well)

  3. Peter on 20 Oct 2006 at 11:31 pm #

    Absolutely Gillian, I like the image of swatting it away!

    Richard, I have loads of ‘ose OOOOOOOO!