Thursday… t+45

This is the first Thursday for some weeks that I haven’t been up to London for a haematology clinic! It makes a refreshing change! However it does mean that there isn’t a lot to talk about healthwise. My gut is settling down, slowly, and my appetite is better than it was, although eating is without much enjoyment because although my sense of taste is showing signs of returning, the senses are all distorted and some things have no flavour at all! Most odd! Perhaps the worst aspect is how things smell – although sense of smell is there, most things still have that ‘hospital food’ smell, that is off-putting anyway (partly by association) and so that doesn’t help matters. Still, one step at a time!

Not much sign of the GvHd yet, although it is only a couple of weeks since the infusion, and it will take about 6 weeks before anything happens. I do have patches of dry skin, so I’m not sure if that is a hint of it!

On the domestic front, the heating in the conservatory has proved its worth (well, until I get the electricity bill!) and we have used the room a lot – we think we will put the Christmas tree in there – being cooler than the rest of the house, it might not drop its needles so readily – but another couple of weeks or so before we think about that! Must get the Christmas cards done first. By the way, if any of you have yet to buy Christmas Cards, can I recommend the Leukaemia CARE range? Details on 0870 774 3667 (a proportion of the national rate charge goes to the charity) and have a look at their new website here.

So (wait for it… 🙂 ) Onwards and Upwards!

One Response to “Thursday… t+45”

  1. Richard on 30 Nov 2006 at 11:22 pm #


    Your answer may be here:

    or the Nordman fir seems to last for ever…….

    If your conservatory faces South and is the coolest room you must have the thermostat good and high.
