Monday…what a difference 3 weeks makes!

Post HospitalAnd what a difference! It is 3 weeks yesterday since I was discharged from Southampton, and I was having a look at some of the photographs taken just after I came out. I think the one on the left sums up how I looked!

However, the one below on the right, taken this morning, just goes to show what the love of a good woman, and a plentiful supply of bacon sandwiches, can achieve! I must say that I was 5 Febbeginning to think that I was ‘baconed out’, so this morning I had porridge for breakfast, with lots of fruit, but then temptation got the better of me, and I did have a half round of bacon sarnie! (As Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist anything but tempation”)

Yesterday’s Sunday dinner was roast pork, with lots of crackling and the trimmings, and it really hit the spot. My vegetable intake is up too, the pork was accompanied with carrots, sprouts, potatoes, parsnips, broccoli, and sugar snaps, so the return to healthy eating continues!
Meanwhile a bounce on the bathroom scales shows that I have put on another couple of pounds! So onwards and upwards!

5 Responses to “Monday…what a difference 3 weeks makes!”

  1. Richard on 05 Feb 2007 at 1:27 pm #

    Careful Peter broccoli is one of those ‘super’ foods. Doesn’t come with a health warning. The grandson calls them green trees , strange child as he often eat brussel sprouts………not yet 3 but weighs a tonne.

    Not only is putting on weight good news but to not enjoy food is a real torture at least that is coming to an end now for you.

    Although it is good to see you I still prefer Olivia I’m afraid.

    Keep it up and let me know where you get good women from………oh b***er Sharon is looking over my shoulder so now I am in trouble…

    Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

  2. Liz on 05 Feb 2007 at 9:24 pm #

    Wow, what a difference a few weeks can make! So glad to hear that your appetite is so good. Whenever I read what you’ve been eating, it makes me feel hungry! It’s true what everyone has been writing, you are an inspiration – as are your family, who are always in the background in support.

    Lots of love,

    (PS I know I keep on “harping on” about this, (hence the brackets – I’m feeling so sheepish about mentioning it again) and that others have heard things about acai too, but……
    I know you want to be 100% sure about the acai bit, but my understanding was that the study conducted in Florida concerned only leukaemia patients. I’m equally aware that you would want professional medical advice on whether those who benefitted drank juice, ate fresh or dried berries or whatever. That was why I wondered about your medical team contacting the university direct to find out more. It could be to their advantage too. Who knows unless they ask)?!

  3. Gillian on 06 Feb 2007 at 9:10 am #

    Good news Peter! And I had sorted out a role for you in a pantomime involving the falling down of trousers – not needed now!

    Easy way to intake Acai – Innocent do a ‘superfood’ smoothie with pomegrantes, blueberries and Acai berries in – very nice!! Use it to wash down the numerous bacon sarnies

    L&H, O&U

    Gillian xxx

  4. Anne on 06 Feb 2007 at 10:13 am #

    What a difference, indeed – it’s great to see you looking so much better and know that you’re enjoying your food again. You certainly have the love of a very very good woman.
    with love to you, her and all the family
    Anne xx

  5. Elspeth on 07 Feb 2007 at 12:27 am #

    It’s good to see you as you again, you’ve done a fantiastic job – so far! I hope pigs haven’t heard of your sarnie needs.
    Continue with the TLC, girls, it works.
    We’ll keep up the crossing-mania, and winging messages to encourage lymphocyte activity.
    Will give you a ring when I come back from a fun weekend in Berlin – just wish that the German classes had made me more proficient, but the words and grammer just don’t stick like they did when I was at school – anno domini’s a problem!
    L’n’Hs, O&U,OOXXOO Elspeth