Wednesday… t+6

It looks cold and misty outside this morning – I can’t believe how quickly time is passing – nearly at the end of January!

The daily routine has continued this morning, with the exception that the morning drug dose has moved to about 9 o’clock – a far more civilised hour – although the observations at 7 o’clock still take place! This morning blood was taken from a vein rather than through the Hickman line so that an accurate measurement of the Cyclosporin levels can be obtained.

My ankle is less swollen today – evidence I hope that the chemo last week is attacking the disease in advance of the incoming immune system, and my weight is getting back to normal as the fluids taken in last week are expelled.

I had a visit from the transplant consultant yesterday afternoon. One of the reasons for measuring my girth (I really don’t like that word!) Is to check for another condition – VOD (Veno- Occlusive Disease) This is a very rare (but potentially serious) complication when the hepatic vein running through the liver becomes irritated and affects liver function. Symtoms include an enlarged liver and fluid retention, hence the measurements and concern over accurate fluid balance. All seems to be well so far – and the danger is pretty much over now. I was at slightly higher risk because of the previous treatment I have had but then doubling a very small risk is still a small risk!

One thing I have noticed is that my stomach seems sensitive (but that could be a Pavlovian reaction to the thought of the food) so I have started the anti-sickness drugs again.

Stephen (old friend from grammar school) happened to be in London yesterday, and dropped by for a welcome visit. He escaped the pink apron treatment – current fashion colour seems to be white!

Finally, there was a fascinating programme on BBC1 last night – the first of a series about alternative or complementary medicine. Last night dealt with acupuncture, and confirmed that there are measurable changes in brain activity caused by the insertion of the needles. I have had acupuncture in the last 12 months, and while I can’t say what it did, I certainly felt an effect in well being afterwards. I’m looking forward to the next in the TV series.

2 Responses to “Wednesday… t+6”

  1. Dawn on 25 Jan 2006 at 11:28 am #

    Morning Peter

    I’m really enjoying reading your diary and do so everyday, if the latest update is late arriving I worry you’re not feeling well.
    Its great, it not only can I check you’re ok but its very imformative. I’m learning a lot from your experiences though I’d rather you did not have to go through it. I watched the programme on alternative medicine too, I was amazed at the open heart surgery! I’ve never tried acupuncture but I have an open mind, tried refelexology once and was surprised at what she could tell from my feet! Be good.

    All the best


  2. Peter on 25 Jan 2006 at 12:03 pm #

    Thank you Dawn! Posting time is a bit variable, it depends on the day’s routine! I will try to post something daily, even if its only to say that I don’t feel well enough to write a lot!

    Must do a page about Leukaemia CARE! (Dawn is the Volunteers’ coordinator for Leukaemia CARE)
