Wednesday – 28 days in… 2 to go?

Now it really is a month since I was admitted – and escape is on the horizon! Even the weather has turned and the sun was gleaming brightly on St Paul’s when I awoke this morning!

I had another good nigh’s sleep, and gentle awakening with the Obs, blood, followed by breakfast – which finally has the right ingredients – bacon and tomatoes!

I was heartened to get a visit by two first year medical students who wanted to learn about the ‘hospital experience’ from a patient perspective. I hope you got what you wanted! This is a far cry from when I was a student, sharing with medical students whose first exposure to patients was during the first clinical year – 3 years after starting the degree course!

I feel ready to go home, but I am still being weaned off the Cyclosporin in favour of the Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) which will take about another 48 hours. So provided nothing else untoward (like an infection) occurs, I hope to be out of here on Friday! I feel very tiggerish!

Felicity went home yesterday afternoon, after spending the morning with me, but she was followed by a visit from Stuart, my next door neighbour from home, who is working in London for a while. After he left, I settled down with a book until 9 o’clock, when I watched the next in the series about complementary medicines on BBC2. Last night was all about herbal medicines, which was fascinating!

So, without wishing to get my hopes up too high, 48 hours and counting!

One Response to “Wednesday – 28 days in… 2 to go?”

  1. Dawn on 08 Feb 2006 at 4:18 pm #

    Hello Peter,

    Have been out of the office for 4days doing a First Aid Course so I’ve only been able to catch up with your news today. I’m so glad that things are still going well, I understand that you called the office while I was out so I missed that too. I’m out for the next two days as well – I’ve training courses coming out of my ears at the moment. Hope to get to speak to you when you’re out and at home.

    Luv & stuff