Sunday (Tell me why they don’t fly)

It’s another bright, crisp day here. The sky is a crystal clear powder blue, with the sun gleaming off St Pauls again. The wind is still from the east, so I expect it is still chilly outside. In fact it is a ‘cool’ 26C inside!

The morning has gone reasonably well. I had problems sleeping last night, mainly because I started getting back pain yesterday afternoon, round my kidneys. This got progressively worse until I had a couple of paracetamol before I went to bed. They wore off at about 1 o’clock, when I had a couple more, and also had a visit by the duty SHO. The paracetamol did the trick until 7:15 this morning when the day started with Obs, bloods and then breakfast, all carefully timed to let me just start to doze off before the next call! The consensus of opinion on the kidney pain is that it is likely to be an infection, and a sample has been sent off for analysis.

Yesterday afternoon was spent in the company of Felicity and Louise, a friend of ours from when I was in the Falklands. That was followed by a dose of Cyclosporin and then a quiet evening in front of the TV.

The last dose of chemo is making its final presence felt – what little hair that had started growing back is now falling out! Here comes the tufty look again!

Now to look at yesterday’s papers!

3 Responses to “Sunday (Tell me why they don’t fly)”

  1. Mark - fellow patient on 29 Jan 2006 at 2:59 pm #

    Dear Peter,

    My day sounds just like yours! Couldn’t face the hospital food, so had a bowl of minestrone soup instead!

    By the way, I’m feeling very jealous – your view is much nicer than mine. If I’d known , I’d have got in there before you!

    Look forward to seeing you, once we’re released,

    Mark (room 5)

  2. Peter on 29 Jan 2006 at 5:54 pm #

    Ah yes, but you get the access to all those unprotected wireless broadband connections – I saw at least 3 last weekend! Bit too late to swap now though!

    Peter – (room 3)

  3. Elspeth on 30 Jan 2006 at 11:27 am #

    Hi Peter,
    AND, 2 patients can now communicate with each other – allowing laptops is a great innovation to isolated patients – Well done Guy’s! (Hospital and boys!)
    L’n’Hs, E.