Thursday… t+30

Yes it really is 30 weeks since the transplant – over 6 months! There is not a lot to report on the health front since last week. The GvHd seems to be calming down and there is some indication that my sense of taste and smell is returning – in that it is more sensitive, but still not very discriminatory. Mothballs and most strong scents smell the same (although not the same as mothballs used to smell!) but my sense of taste is getting better. Curries and the like are fine, although what I used to regard as a mild curry now tastes very strong! Weird!

Meanwhile on the home front, the under floor heating in the conservatory has been commissioned. Not that it is really needed in this weather as the temperature rarely drops below about 21C during the day, but the floor does feel lovely and warm to bare feet! I’m glad I put in the thermal insulation under the heating mat. The furniture has also been ordered and should arrive in early September.

So things appear to continue to be going onwards and upwards!

Oh – and going out in the dive boat last week-end? Cancelled – bad weather 🙁

3 Responses to “Thursday… t+30”

  1. Graham Turner on 21 Aug 2006 at 1:57 pm #

    This is a rather unusual comment, in fact not a comment at all, but rather an enquiry, in that I came across a reference to and followed it to see whether we might be related.

    My mother’s maiden name was Millicent Tessa Boraston, and my grandfather was George Stokes Boraston. My mother cut herself off from her family around 1946 (a sister Bess, a brother George and another brother whose existence she never told me about, John) and I have only just recently managed to get in contact with several cousins and my uncle, John, in Australia and New Zealand. The family came from the area west of Birmingham and my grandfather went to India with the Army then stayed there, eventually moving to and dying in Australia.

    Since Boraston is a fairly rare name I wondered if we might perhaps find ourselves related?

    Best regards


  2. Peter on 22 Aug 2006 at 10:25 am #

    Graham, thank you for the comment – I’ll reply directly to you via e mail. (Sorry for the delay in responding – had an admin snag, which took a while to correct, then I moved your comment to the most recent post)

  3. Richard Bushrod on 23 Aug 2006 at 6:00 pm #

    Oh Dear……….be careful Graham I am not sure there is room for too many Borastons

    Some energetic relation trace out family name the earliest will being 1590 and relations going to America and setting up plantations. Owners of Mount Vernon and Bushfields.
    Every year there is a Bushrod reunion in the USA. But. It turns out to be for descendants of former slaves who took the name of their owner.
    Interesting but I am not sure that I want to be a descendant of a slave owner…………You may only find out that you are related to Peter. 🙂